

Friday, 28 February 2014


Pasti anda tercari-cari cara mudah untuk menggodam WiFi rumah jiran anda. Cara ini sangat mudah dan semua orang boleh melakukannya dan tidak perlu kepakaran komputer yang tinggi untuk melakukannya. Jika anda mencari cara untuk menggodan dan hack WiFi di kawasan kejiranan anda, di sinilah tempatnya. Caranya mudah dan berkesan.

Jika anda sudah bersedia, kita akan memulakan tutorial menggodam dan mendapatkan password di kawasan kejiranan anda.

Jika belum, pastikan anda pergi membasuh muka dan buka mata anda luas-luas.

Caranya mudah.

Ikuti langkah di bawah.

1. Anda kena ada komputer. Kalau takde komputer, macam mana nak akses internet?

2. Kabel komputer kena pasang dan pastikan bil api anda sudah dijelaskan.

3. Jika langkah di atas sudah setel, pastikan anda masuk ke dapur dan cari barang makanan yang boleh dikongsikan dengan orang sekeliling anda.

4. Jika tiada makanan, pergilah ke luar atapun ke pasar untuk membeli goreng pisang dan air tebu. Pastikan beli lebih kerana anda akan memerlukannya untuk menggodam WiFi rumah jiran anda.

5. Jika pisang goreng dan air tebu dah beli, mari kita mulakan cara mudah untuk hack WiFi jiran anda.

6. Ketuk pintu rumah jiran anda dan berikan salam serta senyuman paling menawan.

7. Masuk pintu rumah jiran anda dengan langkah kanan dan duduk dengan sopan.

8. Mulakan bicara sopan anda dengan mengajak tuan rumah minum dan menjamah goreng pisang yang anda bawa tadi.

9. Jika tuan rumah dah sedikit terleka dan kemesraan mula terpancar di wajahnya, inilah masanya untuk bertanyakan kata laluan WiFi rumah beliau.

10. Jika dapat password WiFi hari itu jugak, anda seorang yang bertuah dan sekiranya tak dapat, esok anda cuba lagi.

Itulah cara terbaik untuk mendapatkan password WiFi rumah jiran anda iaitu dengan meminta izin dan pastinya WiFi beliau adalah selamat dan halal digunakan.

Friday, 21 February 2014


Jawapan full Guess The Emoji :

Level 1
matahari + cermin mata = SUNGLASSES
hati + nota = LOVE LETTER
bendera + bibir = FRENCH KISS
jagung + anjing = CORN DOG
jam + anjing = WATCH DOG
jagung + roti = CORNBREAD
cawan + hati = COFFEE BREAK
burger + tiara = BURGER KING
epal + televisyen = APPLE TV
bintang + ikan = STARFISH

Level 2
cengkerang + ikan = SHELLFISH
buku + ulat = BOOKWORM
bulan + orang = MOONWALK
api + lori = FIRE TRUCK
api + jam = FIRE ALARM
papan tanda + rokok = NO SMOKING
perempuan + kumbang = LADY BUG
tandas + kertas = TOILET PAPER
pizza + kotak = PIZZA BOX
marah + kepala burung = ANGRY BIRDS

Level 3
roket + minyak = ROCKET FUEL
serangga + orang, kutu + orang, labah-labah + orang = SPIDERMAN
keluarga + pokok = FAMILY TREE
kereta + berenang = CARPOOL
bola tenis + kasut = TENNIS SHOES
kapal terbang + nota = AIR MAIL
bola ajaib + biskut = FORTUNE COOKIE
udang + gelas = SHRIMP COCKTAIL
bola lisut + berlian = BASEBALL DIAMOND
rumah + orang = HOME RUN
bendera + roket = NASA

Level 4
arnab + telur = EASTER EGG
rokok + jam = SMOKE ALARM
mentol + rumah = LIGHT HOUSE
tangan + bibir = GOODBYE KISS
menangis + bayi = CRY BABY
duit + lembu = CASH COW
letupan + jagung = POPCORN
orang + buku = FACEBOOK
bintang + duit = STARBUCKS

Level 5
mata + telefon = IPHONE
lembu + orang = COWBOY
pistol + bintang = SHOOTING STAR
labu + kek = PUMPKIN PIE
berlian + berlian = DIAMONDS
kucing + tidur = CAT NAP
mata + muzik = ITUNES
kucing + ikan = CATFISH
bendera + kapal = FLAG SHIP
bumi + ular/ulat = EARTH WORM

Level 6
limau + ceri + strawberry + tangan = FRUIT PUNCH
senyum/gembira + kasut = HAPPY FEET
bendera + kentang = FRENCH FRIES
topi graduasi = GRADUATE
tiang berwarna + rumah = BARBER SHOP
roket + microskop = ROCKET SCIENCE
bunga + bintang = LUCKY STAR
hati + muzik = LOVE SONG
marah + orang = DENTIST
cokelat/coklat + botol susu = CHOCOLATE MILK

Level 7
matahari + mentol = SUNLIGHT
nenek + datuk = GRAND PARENTS
speaker + malam = SILENT NIGHT
makhluk asing + basikal + bulan = ET
siang + malaikat + malaikat = CITY OF ANGELS
televisyen + sauh = TV ANCHOR
payung/hujan + matahari = RAIN OR SHINE
speaker = MUTE
bendera british + ikan + kentang goreng = FISH AND CHIPS
1 + 2 + monyet + monyet = TWELVE MONKEYS

Level 8
marah + topi = MAD HATTER
orang + cermin mata + kilat = HARRY POTTER
daun + khinzir/**** = CANADIAN BACON
anjing + daging = DOG FOOD
jarum suntikan + berlian = BLOOD DIAMOND
takut/terkejut + filem/drama = SCARY MOVIE
jam tangan + jam dinding = TIME OUT
harimau + golf = TIGER WOODS
kilat + payung/hujan = THUNDER STORM
kuda/keldai + tangan = HORSEPOWER

Level 9
bendera jepun + bom + bendera amerika + kapal = PEARL HARBOR
bendera korea + kuda + menari + muzik = GANGNAM STYLE
mandi + tandas = BATHROOM
gula batu + tukul + letupan = CANDY CRUSH
hati + pistol = HEART ATTACK
awan/kapas + gula batu = COTTON CANDY
botol susu + cokelat = MILK CHOCOLATE
aiskrim + lori = ICE CREAM TRUCK
percuma + ikan paus = FREE WILLY
bayi + botol susu = BABY BOTTLE

Level 10
tebuan/lebah + tolak = BEE LINE
santa claus + pokok krismas = CHRISTMAS
parti + anak burung/ayam = PARTY ANIMAL
mikroskop + tikus = LAB RAT
kucing + perempuan = CAT WOMAN
bulatan biru + bulan = BLUE MOON
mandi + topi graduasi = SHOWER CAP
jam + kapal terbang = TIME FLIES
basikal + tangan = LANCE ARMSTRONG
keluarga + kamera = FAMILY PHOTO

Level 11
patung liberty + surat khabar = NEW YORK TIMES
matahari + burung = EARLY BIRD
bola keranjang + 2 + 3 = MICHAEL JORDAN
pisau + mandi = PSYCHO
pizza + khemah = PIZZA HUT
anjing + hati = PUPPY LOVE
bendera itali + kereta + duit = ITALIAN JOB
malaikat + malaikat + syaitan + syaitan/hantu = ANGELS AND DEMONS
bayi + mandi = BABY SHOWER
tukul + jam = HAMMER TIME

Level 12
kanta pembesar + ikan = FINDING NEMO
pin + pin + jarum suntikan = PINS AND NEEDLES
mata + gula batu = EYE CANDY
hidung + jarum suntikan = NOSE BLEED
pisang + kapal layar = BANANA BOAT
hantu + hantu + pistol = GHOST BUSTERS
orang + piano = THE PIANIST
orang + tengkorak = WALKING DEAD
kapal terbang + letupan = PLANE CRASH
7 + anak panah ke atas = 7 UP

Level 13
hati + bot = LOVE BOAT
pengantin perempuan + mandi = BRIDAL SHOWER
filem + puteri = DRAMA QUEEN
kek + muzik = BIRTHDAY SONG
puteri + bendera england = QUEEN ELIZABETH
puteri + hati = QUEEN OF HEARTS
kertas + pisau = PAPER CUT
rokok + pistol = SMOKING GUN
pintu + loceng = DOORBELL
biskut + syaitan/hantu = COOKIE MONSTER

Level 14
ombak + 11 = OCEANS ELEVEN
rumah + belon = UP
berpeluh + seluar = SWEAT PANTS
bendera england + kapal terbang = BRITISH AIRWAY
pen + budak lelaki = PEN PALS
bendera penamat + tolak = FINISH LINE
orang salji + orang lelaki = SNOW MAN
kura-kura + burung = TURTLE DOVE
panas + anjing = HOTDOG
lelaki + sampan + harimau = LIFE OF PI

Level 15
kuku + puteri = BEAUTY QUEEN
10 + payung/hujan = PERFECT STORM
rumah + pengantin = HOUSEWIFE
gelas + parti = COCKTAIL PARTY
gula batu + epal = CANDDY APPLE
panas + sejuk + belon = HOT AIR BALLOON
salji + matahari + daun hijau + daun kering = FOUR SEASONS
menari + serigala = DANCES WITH WOLVES
kucing + lembu + kuda + bumi = ANIMAL PLANET
khinzir/**** + duit = PIGGY BANK

Level 16
jarum suntikan + tomato + minuman = BLOODY MARY
mata + garisan turun naik = EYELINER
patung liberty + polis = NYPD
jarum suntikan + nenek + anak panah ke kanan + perempuan = BOTOX
tangan + ayam = HANCOCK
beruang + panas = BEAR GRYLLS
tidur + semut + kumbang + semut = BED BUGS
jam tangan + orang = WATCHMEN
pin + budak lelaki/orang = PIN HEAD
hati + arak + malam = POKER NIGHT

Level 17
kopi + anjing = TEACUP POODLE
baik + buku = BIBLE
kereta + letupan + kereta = CAR ACCIDENT
budak lelaki + pisai + **** + lembu = BUTCHER
matahari + mentol + tangan/jari = BRIGHT IDEA
lidah + pusaran = TOUNGUE TWIST
kota + buku = FAIRY TALE
budak lelaki + pancing/joran + ikan = FISHERMAN
air + kereta + air = CAR WASH
cincin + ulat bulu = RINGWORM

Level 18
anak panah ke bawah + 2 + bumi = DOWN TO EARTH
rumah + gelas = HOUSE WINE
perempuan + ****/khinzir = MISS PIGGY
daun + salji + beruang + bumi = CANADA
kambing + teh hijau = GOATEE
aiskrim + awan = VANILLA SKY
ATM + pin = ATM PIN
orang + dialog = GROUP CHAT
daging + daging + kayu ria/joystick = HUNGER GAMES
kuda + kasut = HORSESHOES

Level 19
tengkorak + pistol + pisau = LEATHAL WEAPON
gunting rambut + gincu + baju = MAKEOVER
buku + beg = BOOK BAG
pokok + api = FOREST FIRE
lelaki + pengantin perempuan = RUNAWAY BRIDE
kereta + kolam + drama = DRIVE IN THEATER
pembaris + buku = RULEBOOK
speaker + muzik = SOUND OF MUSIC
kura-kura + tangan + letupan + pizza = NINJA TURTLES
kapal terbang + bendera amerika + 1 = AIR FORCE ONE

Level 20
tanda soal + tanda soal = anak panah ke bawah = WHAT LIES BENEATH
pisang + hati = BANANA SPLIT
bibir + gincu + kasut tumit tinggi + patung liberty = SEX IN THE CITY
makhluk asing + roket = UFO
cendawan + bintang + lelaki + lelaki = MARIO BROTHERS
lelaki + VS + perempuan + pistol = MR AND MRS SMITH
jagung + kacang + kacang = CORN NUTS
kunci + 2 + hati = KEY TO MY HEART
telur + kopi + kuih gelang = BREAKFAST CLUB

Level 21
datuk + jam = FATHER TIME
masuk + keluar + burger = IN AND OUT BURGER
lelaki + keluar + minyak = RUN OUT OF GAS
gula-gula + sedih + limau + ****/khinzir = SWEET AND SOUR PORK
senyum + end = HAPPY ENDING
perempuan + lelaki + burger + kentang goreng = HAPPY MEAL
seterika + lelaki = IRON MAN
pengantin perempuan + cincin = WEDDING RING
kitar semula + nota = RECYCLE PAPER
bom + cengkerang = BOMBSHELL

Level 22
telefon = CELLULAR
matahari + bunga = SUNFLOWER
lemon + air + air = LEMONADE
tangan + 777 = GOOD LUCK
X + anak panah ke kanan + duit = RAGS TO RICHES
penumbuk + club = FIGHT CLUB
pengantin perempuan + lelaki + letupan + letupan = WEDDING CRASHERS
muzik + anak panak ke kanan + telinga = MUSIC TO MY EARS
kereta + letupan + kereta = CRASH
arak + senyum = FULL MOON

Level 23
terkejut + ombak = SHOCKWAVE
takut + pisau = SCREAM
bintang + pistol + bom = STAR WARS
roda + duit + duit = WHEEL OF FORTUNE
bendera itali + kopi + gelas + kek = TIRAMISU
bintang + mata = STAR GAZE
nota + orang = LETTER HEAD
hantu + buku = GHOST STORY
tikus + arnab + tikus = RODENTS
mulut + dialog + telinga = SECRET

Level 24
ular + kasut = SNAKESKIN BOOTS
angin + ikan = BLOW FISH
pembaris + jam + monyet = LONG TIME NO SEE
pelangi + gula batu = SKITTLES
kawan + kawan + malam + anak panah ke kanan = GIRLS NIGHT OUT
club + pil = CLUB MED
petak + anak panah + X + O = PLAYSTATION
pokok + buku = THE JUNGLE BOOK
panda + kereta api = PANDA EXPRESS
bulan + 17 Jul = MONDAY

Level 25 (last level)
jam + roket + jam = TIME TRAVEL
kereta + nenek + bunga = DRIVING MISS DAISY
777 + arak + arak + pengsan = HANGOVER
datuk + hati + nenek = AMOUR
malam + syaitan + jarum suntikan = VAMPIRE
disket + jam = SAVED BY THE BELL
buaya + lelaki = CROCODILE DUNDEE
penumbuk + letupan + panda = KUNG FU PANDA
kereta + kereta + P + rumah = GARAGE
tanda larangan + sedih + tanda larangan + tangan = NO PAIN NO GAIN


Monday, 27 January 2014

Ulat Rambut Palsu

Ulat rambul palsu ni adalah antara serangga yang sangat pelik ditemui.. Kelihatan seumpama rambut palsu yang memanjang dan menguning namun penuh dengan racun yang boleh membahayakan manusia.. Oleh itu, nasihat orang tua kena ikut. Kalau masuk dalam hutan jumpa benda pelik2 jangan tegur.. Apatah lagi kita nak usiknya...


1. Son Doong Cave, Vietnam

The Son Doong cave in Vietnam is the largest currently known cave in the world. It is filled with countless wonders including isolated ecosystems, weather systems and geological formations. 

Kredit :

2. Ice Cave Near The Mutnovsky Volcano, Russia

Ice caves like these form in the glaciers surrounding the Mutnovsky Volcano in Russia. Some of them are formed by vents that release volcanic heat and gases called fumaroles.

Kredit :

3. Naica Mine, Mexico

The Naica Mine caves in Mexico are home to some of the largest crystals ever seen. The Crystal Cave, where these crystals are located, is closed to the public because of its depth, heat and other issues. However, plenty of pictures have been taken to document this monumental crystal cavern.

4. Vatnajokull Glacier Cave, Iceland

This cave is located in Iceland’s Vatnajokull Glacier, the largest glacier in Europe. Caves like these form due to melting glacial icewater, but they can be dangerous because glaciers are constantly breaking and changing.

Kredit :

5. Batu Caves, Malaysia

The Batu Caves in Malaysia have been used by English and Chinese settlers as well as the indigenous Temuan people. The bat guano in the cave was mined for agricultural purposes, but now the cave is filled with statues and is open to visitors.

Kredit :

6. Mendenhall Glacier Cave, USA

This ice cave is part of the Mendenhall Glacier near Juneau, Alaska. The spectacular cave was carved out of the glacier by melting icewater. Due to the ever-changing conditions at glaciers, it is unclear whether this cave will still be around for long.

Kredit :

7. Cave in Algarve, Portugal

The Algarve region in Portugal, where this cave is located, is prone to various seaside formations because of the rock face’s relative solubility in water. This specific cave near Lagos is accessible only by water.

Kredit :

8. Glowworms Cave, New Zealand

The Waitomo glowworm caves in New Zealand are home to a unique insect – the glowworm. This insect hangs glistening silken strands from the ceiling of the cave and glows to attract unsuspecting prey.


9. Tham Lod Cave, Thailand

The Nam Lang river runs through the Tham Lod cave in northern Thailand. The cave is filled with beautiful stalactites and stalagmites and is home to hundreds of thousands of Pacific swifts that have adapted to spend parts of their lives in caves.

Kredit :

10. Kyaut Sae Cave, Myanmar

Very little is known about this cave in Kyaut Se, Myanmar, other than that the inside has been fitted as a Buddhist temple.

Kredit :

11. Marble Caves, Patagonia

The Marble Caves in Patagona are known for the spectacular reflections that the turquoise water casts on the white marble ceiling of the cave. They are also called the Marble Cathedral because of their beautiful and arching forms.


12. Antelope Canyon, USA

Antelope Canyon in Arizona was carved out by thousands of years of persistent wind and flash floods, which is why its smooth walls look so smooth and fluid. During the desert’s monsoon season, dangerous flash floods can occur without warning from rains that have fallen miles away. These flash floods have taken the lives of quite a few unwary tourists.


13. Phraya Nakhon Cave, Thailand

The Phraya Nakhon Cave in Thailand was historically a popular visiting place for local kings because of the illumination provided by the collapsed roofs. The pavilion in the center was built for the visit of King Chulalongkorn in 1890.


14. Ellison’s Cave, USA

This is the Fantastic Cave pit, part of Ellison’s Cave in Georgia, U.S.A. It is a popular attraction for pit cavers – those who enjoy rappelling down vertical subterranean drops.

Kredit :

15. Reed Flute Cave, China

The Reed Flute Cave in Guangxi, China has been visited by tourists for at least 1200 years. The cave is home to a spectacular array of stalagmites and stalactites. It is named for the reeds that grow at its mouth, which can be made into flutes.



Kazakh, Mongolia

Among many Kazakh traditions is the ancient art of eagle hunting.
For more than two centuries, Kazakh men have hunted on horseback
with trained golden eagles. Across mountains and steppes, a large
variety of animals – including rabbits, marmots, foxes and even wolves –
are hunted for their fur, an integral part of traditional Kazakh clothing.

The skill of training a golden eagle is passed on through generations.
Eagle hunters wear boots, black coats and fox-fur hats called loovuuz.

Huli, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea

The traditional highland apparel is scant: women wear grass skirts, men
wear nothing but a koteka, or penis gourd. However, to impress and scare
off the enemy, men go to considerably more effort.

The largest highland tribe are the Huli Wigmen, who paint their faces
yellow, red, and white. and are famous for their tradition of making
ornamental wigs from their own hair. These look like plumed hats,
intricately decorated with feathers of birds of paradise and parrots.
Other ornaments include shells, beads, pig tusks, hornbill skulls
and foliage.

Asaro, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea

The mudmen could not cover their faces with mud because the
people of Papua New Guinea thought that the mud from the Asaro
river was poisonous. So instead of covering their faces with this alleged
poison, they made masks from pebbles that they heated and water
from the waterfall, with unusual designs such as long or very short
ears either going down to the chin or sticking up at the top,
long joined eyebrows attached to the top of the ears, horns and
sideways mouths.

Kalam, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea

The highlanders live by hunting, done primarily by men, and by gathering plants and growing crops, done primarily by women. The men help clear 
the land, but the rest of the cultivation is the responsibility of the women.

The residents have plenty of good food, close-knit families and a great
respect for the wonders of nature.

Goroka, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea

Goroka is the capital of the Eastern Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea. Though only discovered in the beginning of the 20th century it is now host of a major tourist attraction, the Goroka show.
The renowned Goroka Show is a three-day event that takes place annually
around the time of the country's Independence Day (September 16).
Dating back to 1957, it is the oldest tribal gathering in Papua New Guinea.
Over 100 tribes from the region show their music, dance and culture.

Maori, New Zealand

As a polytheist culture, the Maori worshipped many gods, goddesses and
spirits. Maori believe that ancestors and supernatural beings are
ever-present and able to help the tribe in times of need. Myths are set in
the remote past. They present Maori ideas about the creation of the
universe and the origins of gods and of people.

Samburu, Kenya

The scenic Ndoto Mountain Ranges of northern Kenya are part of the ruggedly beautiful and still unspoilt country of the Samburu nomadic people. Proud, happy, friendly, they defy the modern world to go about their traditional business and still cherish the customs and colourful ceremonies
of their ancestors.

Mursi, Ethiopia

The Mursi are considered to be a rather primitive tribe within the
Omo Valley, even though their way of living isn’t so different
compared to other tribes. Mursi have always shown reluctant and
aggressive behaviour towards foreigners in general, but since
tourists have found their way to their land, that attitude has become
even worse.

Vanuatu, Vanuatu Islands

Rah Lava is one of two small, remote islands that belong to the Banks
Islands group of the South Pacific nation of Vanuatu. Their isolation
from the rest of the world and the pristine, resource-abundant
surrounding natural environment have led to the emergence of a
unique culture and lifestyle.

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